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Hey guys!!! The inspiration for this blog post began on a seemingly ordinary day when my younger sister and I went for a stroll down our street. As we walked, we noticed a lady moving gracefully, her steps deliberate and measured, almost as if she were gliding down a runway. Suddenly, she stumbled and fell. Her brother quickly rushed to her aid, helping her to her feet.

My sister, initially amused by the lady’s fall, asked, “Why did she walk like that?” Her question, though tinged with innocence, sparked a deeper conversation. It was in that moment that I realized how little we often know about the conditions that affect people around us, and how quickly we jump to conclusions or make light of their struggles. This incident was a catalyst for me to share this as we later got to know that the lady suffers from muscular dystrophy. What is Muscular dystrophy? Enter the ship and lets journey together.

Muscular dystrophy is a group of genetic disorders characterized by progressive muscle weakness and degeneration. Unlike other conditions that might present as invisible illnesses, muscular dystrophy manifests physically, causing significant challenges for those affected. The disorder stems from genetic mutations that interfere with the production of proteins necessary for healthy muscle function. Over time, this leads to the progressive weakening of the muscles, which affects mobility and strength.


At its core, muscular dystrophy results from a disruption in the dystrophin protein, which is crucial for maintaining muscle cell integrity. In a healthy individual, dystrophin acts as a protective barrier that helps keep muscle cells intact during contraction and relaxation. In muscular dystrophy patients, mutations in the genes responsible for producing dystrophin result in its absence or dysfunction, leading to the gradual breakdown of muscle tissue. This degeneration impacts various muscle groups, often starting with those closest to the trunk and eventually affecting the limbs.

The effects of muscular dystrophy can be profound. Early symptoms often include muscle weakness, frequent falls, and difficulty with motor skills. As the condition progresses, it can lead to severe complications such as respiratory issues, scoliosis, and reduced cardiac function. The disease affects not only the physical aspect of an individual's life but can also have emotional and psychological impacts, influencing their quality of life and independence.

Muscular dystrophy is often shrouded in misunderstanding and myth, especially in regions where information is scarce. Some might believe that muscular dystrophy is a result of personal failings or a punishment from higher powers. These misconceptions are not only incorrect but also harmful. Muscular dystrophy is a genetic condition with no correlation to an individual's behavior or moral standing. It is crucial to approach those living with muscular dystrophy with compassion and an understanding of the medical and genetic basis of their condition.

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Discrimination against people with muscular dystrophy, or any disability, stems from a lack of understanding and empathy. It is essential to recognize that these individuals face challenges beyond their control and that their worth is not defined by their physical abilities. Embracing inclusivity and compassion not only enhances their quality of life but also enriches our communities by fostering an environment of respect and support.

I think it is imperative to acknowledge people and foundations that have been providing support to patients with muscular dystrophy. In Nigeria and across Africa, several NGOs and organizations are working tirelessly to support individuals with muscular dystrophy. These include the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign Nigeria (MDCN), Foundation for Neuromuscular Support in Nigeria and Nigerian Red Cross Society, Foundation For Neuromuscular Support Nigeria and Wole Shoyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism which provides resources and advocacy for MD patients, raising awareness. These organizations play a crucial role in improving the lives of those affected by muscular dystrophy, offering support services, medical care, and community engagement. I also think it's important to advocate for increased funding for research into muscular dystrophy. By investing in research, we can hope to develop new treatments and potentially find a cure for this debilitating condition.

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Understanding muscular dystrophy is not just about acknowledging a medical condition but about recognizing the humanity of those affected. The graceful lady I saw that day embodies both strength and vulnerability, reminding us of the need to approach such conditions with empathy and knowledge. By educating ourselves and others, we can help break down the barriers of ignorance and create a more inclusive and supportive society for everyone. I hope the lady which triggered this post will get the needed medical attention and support.

Till next time I see you, take care of your health. Bye!!!!



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